原题:纽约时报的头条与华尔街日报的文章让丘成桐闭嘴 不在于丘成桐先说了什么? 而在于他的说词是否有意扭曲? 他的人格是否扭曲? 纽约时报的头条与华尔街日报的文章, 还有国际数学界重创了"丘成桐封顶说", 也给了他本人和他的学术信用和学术道德��一记狠狠的耳光! 丘成桐抛出"封顶说", 并让曹-朱文章未经严格审核在他一手包办的杂志提前发表就是为打击田刚. 看来纽约时报与华尔街日报, 还有国际数学界有意为田刚打抱不平! Dr. Morgan of Columbia and Gang Tian of Princeton have followed Dr. Perelman’s preion to produce a more detailed 473-page step-by-step proof only of Poincaré’s Conjecture. “Perelman did all the work,” Dr. Morgan said. “This is just explaining it.” Both works were supported by the Clay institute, which has posted them on its Web site, claymath.org. Meanwhile, Huai-Dong Cao of Lehigh University and Xi-Ping Zhu of Zhongshan University in Guangzhou, China, have published their own 318-page proof of both conjectures in The Asian Journal of Mathematics (www.ims.cuhk.edu.hk/).