I was living in a shack next door to Helen with my ex-wife's grandparents. I spent a lot of time with Helen and keep visiting her. The small child on the '>I was living in a shack next door to Helen with my ex-wife's grandparents. I spent a lot of time with Helen and keep visiting her. The small child on the '>I was living in a shack next door to Helen with my ex-wife's grandparents. I spent a lot of time with Helen and keep visiting her. The small child on the '>
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蓋寶网站 |2005-06-09        
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I was living in a shack next door to Helen with my ex-wife's grandparents. I spent a lot of time with Helen and keep visiting her. The small child on the photo later died from malnutrition. The older girl was many years after strangled to death by her husband. Another daughter is now in prison. Helen has since turned to religion.


2.Depressed woman in Philadelphia(沮喪的費城女人)

3.Hunger 1996(饑餓1996)

4.Hunger 1975(饑餓1975)

Hunger in America 1975, Bethel, North Carolina


5.Apathy in North Carolina(冷漠的卡羅萊納州)

I was hanging out with Lep's son. One night he took me home to see his family in a rotten shack out in the woods. The first many times I came around Lep was drunk, but when I 25 years later brought Danish TV along to make a documentary about my friends, he had sobered up. During those years I visited him and his wife in 3 different shacks - all of them later burning down.

翻譯:我經常和Lep的儿子在一起,一個晚上他帶到他在森林的充滿腐爤惡臭的家里暫住。很多次我過來 Lep家都發現Lep已經喝醉了,但是當我25年后,帶來了一個丹麥的電視和關于我朋友的一些記録片,Lep因為這慢慢清醒起來了。在那些年里,我做客 Lep和他的妻子在3個不同的小間里,現在Lep這些家都被夷為平地。

6.Ida in her shack in Alabama(Ida在她的阿拉巴馬州的小家里)

Ida is one of the most lonesome people I know of - living totally forgotten by people around her - far out on the back roads in Alabama's dense forest. Exactly therefore she bursts out in a scream of joy every time I come back to see her. I have known her for 25 years and she especially enjoys when I bring friends with me - such as Anita Roddick from THE BODY SHOP.

翻譯:Ida是我所知道的人當中最寂寞的一個,生活在她周圍--阿拉巴馬州濃密的森林回路最前端的人們完全把她忘記了。所以我每次去看她,她都格外興奮,甚至尖叫起來,我認識她有25年了,她特别滿意我帶些朋友去看她,就像來自車身修理厂的Anita Roddick朋友。

7.Apathetic woman in NC(生活在NC的缺乏感情的女人)

8.Children of pain in GA(生活在GA的痛苦的孩子們)

9.Linda's father(Linda的父親)

10.Field worker in Florida(佛羅里達州的農場工人)

I went "home" with one of the field workers one day to his little one room trailer. Except for the tiny window it was totally black inside. Two years after I took this photo of Sam, he was beaten to death by police while being in jail for drunkenness.


11.Man at stove(對着爐子的男人)

12.Alcoholic in NC(在NC的酒鬼)

13.A dream deferred(一個延期的夢)

14.Child with grandmother(孩子和他祖母)

While I was “engaged” to a millionaire daughter of the Schlitz brewery family - she gave me permission every other day to drive around her car on the most deserted back roads in North Carolina where you can’t hitchhike. To see poverty from a car backed up by affluence is a very superficial experience. Therefore I have lost touch with this grandmother.


15.Ida and Joe in AL(在AL的Ida和Joe)

16.Living in the shadow of the total lie(生活在這完全謊言的陰影下)

Independent Life in Charleston, South Carolina


17.Poor whites in Mississippi(密西西比州的白人窮人)

Poor whites I always found the hardest to photograph - at least in the USA where they have deeply internalized the prevailing American philosophy - that you are yourself to be blamed for your own misery. Thus they are also robbed of the dignity and pride characterizing the poor in other countries.


18.Poor white in North Carolina(北卡羅萊納州的白人窮人)

This woman reflects the distrust, fear and self-loathing I find in most poor whites in America - one of the hardest groups for me to photograph.


19.Welfare mother in New Jersey(新澤西州的福利媽媽)

I lived on and off with Nell and her daughter in the crime-ridden "projects". She couldn't pay her monthly rent of 59$ and was eventually evicted. Now she is homeless and walking the streets of New York.


20.Poor white couple in Florida bar(佛羅里達州酒吧的白人窮人夫婦)

When I walked around with Roberta, a junkie friend, one of those long nights, when she tried to find me a place to sleep (and robbed and possibly murdered a taxi driver in the process), we drank beer with this couple.


21.Lord, will I ever? No, nigger, never!(我曾經是貴族嗎?不,永遠的黑鬼!)

22.Poor white alcoholic in San Francisco(舊金山的白人窮人酒鬼)

I lived in the same building as this woman in a crime ridden ghetto area. Since she was an immigrant from Denmark like myself, I spent quite a bit of time drinking with her in the evenings.


23.Child growing up in the ditch in Florida(成長在佛羅里達溝渠里的孩子)

The hopelessness and despair in many labor camps I feel is reflected in this photo from the orange groves.


24.Smile to Congress(面向國會的微笑)

This old woman in Washington D.C. with the “smile” sign in the window was the closest neighbor to Congress, which had condemned her to a pension 40% below the official poverty line.


25.Welfare mother in New Jersey(新澤西州的福利媽媽)

I lived with this woman in the projects on and off. She had promised me that I could photograph the birth of her child, but unfortunately I missed the chance. The bedroom here was right next to one of the most noisy freeways in New Jersey and the bed tilted badly, so usually I preferred to sleep on the cold concrete floor in the "living room".


26.Dad in prison(入獄的老爸)

Alphonso has often entertained my college students about how he and the other criminals in Baltimore planned to mug me when they first saw me in their ghetto. However, we became good friends, but some time later he got a 6 year prison term. Here are the daughters Alfrida and Alfrida seen when they told me about it at my return. Today Alphonso has found God with the help of these two daughters who are now both ministers.


27.Grandmother in bed(床上的祖母)

When I hitchhiked around with Renee we stayed one night with her grandmother here. I have forgotten her name, but I have other pictures of her when she spent “hours” kneeling at the bedside in deep prayer. (Low quality here since I don't have original photo right now).


28.The crumbs from the rich(來自有錢人的惊訝)

While I lived with the playboy millionaire Tommy Howard in North Carolina I walked around in the local ghetto. I visited an old woman who were cooking this meal of cornbread.

翻譯:當我在北卡羅萊納州和百万富翁花花公子Tommy Howard生活那段時間。一次我在當地一個猶太人區閑逛,拜訪了一個老女人,她正在烹飪這類餡餅作為膳食。

29.Sad old men in Harlem(紐約黑人住宅區里的難過老人)

30.Prison meal on the toilet(衛生間里的監獄餐)

Through a “mysterious mistake” I got locked up in this California prison with my camera and had plenty of time to follow the daily life of my co-inmates. Food was served in their cells where the only table was their toilet.


31.Junkies shooting up(癮君子自己打針吸毒)

I stayed with these two junkies in Florida - always shooting up as the first thing in the morning.



33.Will You Please Help This Homeless Family(你能幚助這個無家可歸的家庭嗎?)

34.Doing homework in a shack in Georgia(孩子在喬治亞州這様的一個小陋室里寫作遽)

Between my campus lectures I often visit this family in a small town near South Carolina. The shack had four rooms, each full of beds for the 24 children. The photo was taken in 1992 and shortly after the shack burned down in one of the common stove fires.


35.Old woman going to church(老女人去做禮拜)

In New York I usually go to church in Harlem, where I one Sunday saw this woman. Danish tourists usually as the first thing in New York rush up to gospel services in Harlem where no white Americans dream of going. But why not, actually, when all the criminals sleep late Sunday morning and it is safe even for such old women?


36.Murder in New Orleans(新奥爾良的謀殺)

I was playing pool with Butch. While it was my turn, he stepped outside for a moment and killed this guy. I never saw Butch again.


37.KKK man in Alabama(阿拉巴馬州的3K党)

At an afternoon Klan meeting in Alabama I had a nice conversation with this lovely grandfather.


38.Shooting up next to Congress(最靠近國會的注射吸毒)

These two addicts first attacked me, but later invited me home. They lived only a few blocks from Congress, whose white dome can be seen in the background. A month before I lived with these addicts, a cop was shot in their hallway, and a woman was murdered in this very room �C the last glimpse she got of this stronghold of democracy and freedom.


39.Casual laborers(臨時勞工)

From 5 in the morning all year they stand around these fires waiting for a white employer to pick them up for a day’s labor. Raleigh, North Carolina.


40.Prison meal on the toilet(衛生間里的監獄餐)

Through a “mysterious mistake” I got locked up in this California prison with my camera and had plenty of time to follow the daily life of my co-inmates. Food was served in their cells where the only table was their toilet.


41.Cradle or coffin(棺材邃是摇籃?)

Crying mother over her 4 year old child - shot by stray bullets in Harlem


42.Boys in Harlem hallway(紐約黑人住宅區走廊上的孩子)

43.From junkie to actress(從癮君子到女演員)

When I first lived with Merrilyn, she was a junkie. I myself was nearly a wreck because of burglars, violence, cockroaches and the rats which only a wire fence prevented from biting us in the bed. So my admiration is great that Merrilyn could struggle herself out of the ghetto and become and actress. Today she often introduces my shows in universities and e-mails me about the latest developments in the black community.


44.Sugar cane worker in Florida(佛羅里達的甘蔗工人)

Next to mining sugar cane work is considered the hardest in the world. After an exhausting day's work the men are driven like cattle to camps enclosed by barbed wire. Here they live often over 100 to a room.


45.Sad Native American woman(難過的美國土著女人)

Seminole Indians, Florida


46.In the shadow of democracy(民主的陰影)

Slum dwellings right next to Congress in Washington DC.


47.Mother and children at stove(爐邊的媽媽和孩子)

48.40 million with no health coverage !(四千万人没有健康保險)

49.Children under highways(高速公路下面的孩子)

Baton Rouge, Louisiana


50.Homeless in line for shelter(無家可歸之人為獲取資助排長隊)

In San Francisco I stood every day in line all morning to get fed in St. Anthony’s at 11 am. Already at noon this line for limited shelter started forming. Later I got wiser. With Muhammad, a black panther, I started a food program for the poor �C actually in order to get a bit more to eat ourselves. It was financed by Glide Memorial Church. Muhammad is still homeless and today makes a living from selling my book in the streets of New York, where we often talk about “the good old days” at his fire in the evenings.

翻譯:在舊金山,我每天早上11點都在安東尼大街排隊以獲得一頓飯。已經到了中午,這個為了有限的資助的隊伍開始形成。稍后我便有了主意,我和黑豹(一個黑人組織)成員Muhammad開始一個為窮人的食物計划--實際上目的邃是使自己吃得更多一點。這些資助是由Glide Memorial Church提供的。Muhammad至今邃是無家可歸,目前靠在紐約的大街小巷販賣我的書為生,那些大街小巷,我們經常晚上在他的爐火旁談論以前那些美好日子。

51.Virginia is for lovers(維吉尼亞州的情侣)

I followed Willie around Richmond that night when he shot his brother in the head, blinding him. Later that night he met his girlfriend here. He later served 16 years in prison, but is today a hardworking family father.


52.Poor whites and the Klan(白人窮人和3K党)

Klan gathering in Alabama


53.Murderer without weapons(不用武器的殺人凶手)

Pool player in San Francisco(在舊金山玩桌球的人)

In San Francisco I hung out for a long time with the street people. This guy with his old fashioned bowler I particularly took a liking to and followed around for a long time. As with so many street people I have since lost touch with him.


55.First light in Linda's shack(Linda的小室破曉了)

So poor were they in Linda's family - right next to Disney World in Florida - that they rarely had light before I moved in with them. I had just stayed with some millionaires in Palm Beach and had a little "millionaire money" with me so I could buy kerosene for their old lamp. Linda ran out to meet her father when he walked home in the darkness, shouting: "Dad, dad, we got a present....see, see, light.....we got light!" Well, the joy didn't last forever! Today I have to visit Linda in prison whenever I want to see her. The scars from childhood poverty eventually defeated her.

翻譯:Linda的家里如此的窮,雖然她家正對着佛羅里達的迪尼斯世界,但是在我搬過來之前,他們很少有燈光。我剛和幾個百万富翁在Palm海灘呆過,有一點點“百万富豪的錢”,所以我能給她們的老油燈買點煤油。當她父親邁進黑漆漆的家門, Linda衝上去,喊道:“爹,爹,我們得到了一個禮物...看,看,燈光.......我們有燈了!”但是找個喜悦不能持續到永遠!今天我想見她的時候,不得不在監獄里拜訪她。這個孩童時期留下來的傷痕最后終于擊敗了她。

White supremacy(白人至高無上)

Few black children today bother to humiliate themselves like this. But they do it as adults after having served long prison terms after which they have no education and can’t find other work.


57.Little man(小鬼)

In my vagabond years most derelicts seemed to be white. Today the streets are dominated by black homeless.


58.Young reflective woman(沉思的年輕女人)

Molly from Jamaica had her child taken away by authorities and was constantly depressed when I lived with her in Brooklyn.





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